November MMM

Gentle men…

November is fast approaching and I am fully aware as much notice as possible is needed…

We plan to return as agreed to the mighty TRYFAN! Hopefully we wont get our scramble grades mixed up this time and take the right route…some scary stuff last time!

Okay 22/23/24th November are the dates – Friday night arrive at :

Gwern Gof Uchaf (Bunkhouse)
Capel Curig
North Wales
LL24 0EU
£10 per person per night…. (A brilliant setting and bunkhouse!)

Have some food (to be arranged but not as much as last time!!!) then Saturday morning:-
Breakfast and a slightly different route starting about a mile and 1/2 away from the bunkhouse and then do a horseshoe route taking in the two sisters and the summit of Tryfan..etc…the route ends at the bunkhouse.
That night we can float into Betws Y Coed again and some drinks and food….may even bump into the Tongan rugby team again!
Sunday the plan is hopefully to attend zip world the fastest and longest zipwire in europe: Prices start at £50 per person in the morning…
then drive home…
If the zipwire thing is cramming to much in or too much money that’s no probs just let me know (It will be a financial push for me if I am honest!)…
The bunkhouse may work out a little more if we require exclusive use…
Will let you know…I need by Sunday a list of who is coming….thats right please let me know if you are in or out by Tuesday……Fanks very much…

You’re my boy blue!

Magneto mike

Posted in MMM Events
One comment on “November MMM
  1. admin says:

    **Date change MMM:November:2013 *Urgent Action Required*

    Okay sorry to mess you about I have messed up…MMM November is now 1st December 2013….My shift has been changed…sorry folks

    Please let me know if you can make the new date and venue.


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